You, therefore must be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect. Its aim is to enable married men aware of a father’s responsibilities and to make them capable of making a perfect catholic family,

The branch of Pitruvedi, which is an established association in Pala diocese,came into existence on 7th August, 2016. “You, therefore must be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect. (Matthew 5: 48) is the slogan of Pitruvedi. Heavenly patron of this group is St. Joseph and sub-patron is St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara C.ML. The association which started with 15 initial members now consists of 80 members.

To enable married men to participate in Heavenly Father’s perfection through married life, the focus is on fostering awareness of a father’s responsibilities and equipping them to build a perfect Catholic family. This involves cultivating a culture that reveres life, advocating for a modest lifestyle, and engaging in charitable efforts within the church.
Moreover, married men are encouraged to actively participate in organizations aimed at enhancing the church’s growth and to grasp the intrinsic value of life. By propagating the kind of family lifestyle desired by the Church, they play a vital role in nurturing harmonious and virtuous Catholic families that embody its ideals.
The monthly meeting of the Pitruvedi Aruvithura Branch convenes on the second Sunday of every month at 5 pm.
By promoting the values of respect, humility, and family unity, the Pitruvedi Aruvithura Branch seeks to inspire its members to lead fulfilling lives guided by the principles of the Catholic faith. Through their actions and example, participants aim to propagate a lifestyle that reflects the Church’s vision of a harmonious and virtuous family life.

The branch of Pitruvedi, which is an established association in Pala diocese,came into existence on 7th August, 2016. “You, therefore must be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect. (Matthew 5: 48) is the slogan of Pitruvedi. Heavenly patron of this group is St. Joseph and sub-patron is St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara C.ML. The association which started with 15 initial members now consists of 80 members.

To enable married men to participate in Heavenly Father’s perfection through married life, the focus is on fostering awareness of a father’s responsibilities and equipping them to build a perfect Catholic family. This involves cultivating a culture that reveres life, advocating for a modest lifestyle, and engaging in charitable efforts within the church.
Moreover, married men are encouraged to actively participate in organizations aimed at enhancing the church’s growth and to grasp the intrinsic value of life. By propagating the kind of family lifestyle desired by the Church, they play a vital role in nurturing harmonious and virtuous Catholic families that embody its ideals.
The monthly meeting of the Pitruvedi Aruvithura Branch convenes on the second Sunday of every month at 5 pm.
By promoting the values of respect, humility, and family unity, the Pitruvedi Aruvithura Branch seeks to inspire its members to lead fulfilling lives guided by the principles of the Catholic faith. Through their actions and example, participants aim to propagate a lifestyle that reflects the Church’s vision of a harmonious and virtuous family life.